South East European stocks closed lower on Wednesday in line with rest of Europe where major European indices fell drastically as the investors continued to monitor the situation in Ukraine and to assess inflation concerns. U.K. inflation came in at an annual 6.2% in February, its highest since March 1992 and consumer confidence in the Eurozone continued to decrease, reaching a negative 18.7 in March.
1. ATHENS – ATHEX -1.46%
2. BELGRADE – BELEX15 0.05%
3. BUCHAREST – BET -2.13%
4. ISTANBUL – BIST 100 -0.26%
6. NICOSIA – CSE GI -0.47%
7. PODGORICA – MNSE 10 0.00%
8. SARAJEVO – SASX10 0.53%
9. SKOPJE – MBI 10 -0.02%
10. SOFIA – SOFIX 0.60%
11. ZAGREB – CROBEX -0.30%