South East Europe markets

SEE Markets Indices Closing Daily – Wednesday 20/04/2022


Stocks in South East Europe closed mostly in the green on Wednesday, mirroring the trend across rest of Europe, despite the latest gloomy global economic forecasts from the International Monetary Fund. Traders followed the latest developments in Ukraine, as well as statements by Russian and European officials regarding the continent’s economy. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that inflation in Europe will grow further. Deutsche Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel said earlier that the inflation in the Eurozone could be heading to double digits if the EU decides to adopt a full embargo on Russian natural gas exports.

1. ATHENS – ATHEX 1.54%
2. BELGRADE – BELEX15 -1.20%
3. BUCHAREST – BET 0.05%
4. ISTANBUL – BIST 100 0.27%
6. NICOSIA – CSE GI 1.53%
7. PODGORICA – MNSE 10 1.45%
8. SARAJEVO – SASX10 0.04%
9. SKOPJE – MBI 10 -0.34%
10. SOFIA – SOFIX -0.05%
11. ZAGREB – CROBEX 0.79%