Romanian News Daily

Romanian Daily News – Wednesday 06/07/2022


. Agerpres

Iohannis: Modernization of entire Fiscal Code framework is required

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Tuesday that he discussed with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and the Ministers about amendments to the Fiscal Code, showing that a modernization of the entire framework is required.

. Stiri pe Surse

EnviMin Tanczos: We do not have a nationwide drinking water crisis, we must be responsible when using water

The Minister of Environment, Waters and Forestry, Barna Tanczos, said that Romania is not facing a crisis of drinking water supply nationwide, even if many reservoirs are at 68% capacity.

. Ziarul Financiar

Spanish Investors In Romania Primarily Interested In Real Estate, Construction And IT&C Sectors

Spanish investors in Romania are particularly interested in the real estate market, the construction and the IT&C sectors, in line with data from the Association of Spanish Companies in Romania (ASEMER).

. Radio Romania

Romanian government ministers were validated in office by Nicolae Ciuca

Seven months after taking office, all ministers in the Romanian government have been validated by the chief executive, Nicolae Ciuca.

. Digi 24

The alarm sirens of Bucharest will be modernized. Nicușor Dan: The system can be operated by pressing a single button

The general mayor of the Capital, Nicușor Dan, announces an investment of 2.7 million lei for the modernization of the notification and alarm system of the population of Bucharest in case of emergency situations.